Andrew Easby
I started my path to accountancy as a last-minute decision to study it at college after my accountant cousin told me to avoid it at all costs! With full intentions of dropping it at the end of the first year, I decided to drop “further maths” instead. I fell into an Accountancy and Finance degree and have worked at Anderson Barrowcliff since April 2018.
I am fortunate to have a mixed work portfolio, being involved in audits and accounts preparation with some involvement in corporate finance, tax and management reporting. My typical client base consists of companies approaching medium size, groups, and FCA regulated companies.
I am very passionate about music, typically progressive rock/metal. I have been lucky enough to see bands anywhere from grotty underground bars, the Royal Albert Hall, Wembley Stadium, the Beacon Theatre at New York and at a few theatres and arenas in Holland. I also support the ‘yoyo club’ Fulham! My attitude towards football depends heavily on whether it’s a promotion or relegation year. I try to get to a couple of games each year, at least in the promotion years!